الفنانة التشكيلية Aneta Hasani : أعشق قراءة تاريخ الفنون


ولدت الفنانة Aneta Hasani  في 18 نوفمبر1992، في كوسوفو،ميتروفيتشا ،أكملت دراستها الإبتدائية في ميتروفيتشا ،انتقلت Aneta في عام 2010  إلى عاصمة كوسوفو المسماة Pristina حيث بدأت رحلتها مع الفن التشكيلى،ومنذ عام 2010 ، بدأت برنامج الفنون الجميلة حيث اتخذت الخطوات الأولى للرسم في الصف الدراسى للماجستير .

بدأت أنيتا في حضور دروس الفن لدراسة الرسم فى عام 2011 ، في كلية الآداب ، جامعة بريشتينا  في أكاديمية الفنون الجميلة (حسن بريشتينا).

بعد أربع سنوات من الدراسة والممارسة ، تلقت أنيتا منحة دراسية وأرادت إنهاء شهادة الماجستير، وبدأت العمل على لوحات جديدة ، واحدة منها كانت “جسم الإنسان في فضاءنا” ، في ما يمكن اعتباره أول عمل لتمثيل انفصال أنيتا عن الأسلوب الواقعي ، ترسم اللوحة بشكل رمزي عاطفتها شديدة على القماش ، وتحديدًا تصور مشاعرها حول وفاة والدها قبل خمسة عشر عامًا تقريبًا.

AnetaHasani was born on November  18, 1992, in Kosovo, Mitrovica, the first of five children. Her father died when she was teen years old on her birthday ,of an heart attack ,the feelings she had at that moment followed her all the years till now, but she loved to paint and she was getting older everyday and she was getting sensitive .She was asking questions like for example:What does it mean to be strong! I have to be number one in painting to know the answer , that was a silly question she asked herself but that helped her alot.

She finished elementary school in Mitrovica, while the secondary school Gymnasium “FrangBardhi” in Mitrovica. In 2010, Aneta moved to the capital city of ,Kosovo called Pristina where she started the journey of being an Artist Painter , Since 2010 , she began the program of Fine Arts where she took the first steps for painting at the class atele  of the Master,painter Prof: Esat Valla.

During the intensive work that she did in the paintings, and paying attention to the study portrait and in particular she was passionate to paint the naked bodies in particular the male body, “naked Grotesque “.

And also on the academy of fine arts,(Hasan Prishtina)—In 2011, Aneta began attending the classes of art to study Painting , at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pristina, to the Prof called . NagipBerisha.

Four  years of study and practice later,Aneta  received a scholarship and she wanted to finish the Masters of Painting on her country ,she began working on new paintings, one of which was “The human body in our space ,” which she would finish in 2015. In what would be seen as the first work to represent Aneta’s break from the realist style, the painting symbolically captures intense emotion on the canvas—specifically depicting her feelings about the death of her Dad nearly fifteen  years earlier.

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